Developers > Profile

Remote Student in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - Gurdaspur, India

Remote Student in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Gurdaspur, India
Featured Skills:
react node mongodb express
Primary Info:
  • Name: private info
  • Focus: Frontend, Backend, Full Stack
  • Career: Junior
  • Location: Gurdaspur, Punjab, India
  • Timezone:
  • Speaks: English, Hindi
Actively Looking
  • part time
  • < 6 mo contract
  • full time
  • near me
  • remote
  • open to move


Developed a robust backend system using Node.js and Express.js.

Integrated JWT for authentication and authorization.

Implemented MongoDB with Mongoose, enabling features such as playlists, tweets, and likes.

Ensured data security and access control through role-based authorization.

AnimBlog: Created a React.js blog site utilizing Appwrite for backend services.

Implemented features for creating, editing, and deleting blog posts, as well as user authentication.

Optimized backend database queries for improved site performance.


Implemented complex authentication and authorization systems in AnimHub to ensure data security and access control.

Optimized backend database queries in AnimBlog for faster data retrieval and improved site performance.

Work Experience: No formal work experience to date; seeking opportunities to gain valuable experience and contribute to innovative projects.
private info

Node JS, Express JS, and React JS Devs in India and beyond

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior

FullStack Developer

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior

Fullstack Developer

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India or remote

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack Back End Junior C++

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Delhi, Delhi, India or remote

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End MongoDB Back End Junior SQL

Entry Level Full Stack Developer

Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India or remote

Built many responsive full-stack web applications with fully-fledged features such as password-based authentication and media upload using standard...

Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior

Full Stack Developer

vadodara, India or remote

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior SQL

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Full Stack MongoDB Back End SQL C++

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior


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Lead Frontend Engineer

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India or remote

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End SQL

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior

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Node JS Express JS React JS Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior C++

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Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India or remote

Frontend Developer At Dokonaly( 10/2022 – present) •Spearheaded the development of a comprehensive logistics product from the ground up,...

Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End GitHub

Web Developer

Pune, Maharashtra, India or remote

- Currently working as Web Development intern at where I primarily work on adding new features to the web client using angular/angularjs...

Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack Back End Junior C++

Software Engineer

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India or remote

LTIMindtree, Mumbai, India | Senior Engineer - Cloud Services and Software Sept-2019 –June 2022 ● Part of the research and development team of...

Node JS Express JS JavaScript Front End Full Stack MongoDB Back End Junior SQL

Frontend Engineer

Mumbai, India or remote

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Node JS Express JS React JS JavaScript Front End MongoDB Junior GitHub Tailwind CSS

Who We Are


Hi! I'm Adam, the person behind JS Chimp.

I make web apps and software (especially with PHP/Laravel).

I've been on both sides of the hiring equation.

Sent on interviews that didn't match my skillset. And recieved candidates unrelated to what I hired for.

Let's fix that.

Here companies and developers can connect around Javascript, JS Frameworks ... and other tech.

If you've got questions, hit me up!

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